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Life in Rabat

Morocco: a melting pot of dynasties & cultures

Each country has its own history: historical facts, events and milestones that are reported to this day to give the country in question its true historical value.

  • The history of a country is deemed worthy of memory.
  • With several dynasties that have followed one another over several years: the Idrissid dynasty, the Almoravid dynasty, the Almohad dynasty and the Alaouite dynasty, Morocco is considered an internationally recognized multicultural country, with several types of heritage recognized as Unesco world heritage.


  • Discovering a country is also discovering its language.
  • Morocco has two official languages, which are Arabic and Amazigh, but French is also spoken and understood by almost all Moroccans.
  • Spanish is widespread in the northern and southern regions of Morocco.
  • Classical or literary Arabic is used in administrative circles.
  • The language used orally by Moroccans is Darija ( Moroccan dialect). It’s a mixture of Arabic, Amazigh French and Spanish.


Morocco is a land of contrast.

Bathed to the north by the waters of the Mediterranean, to the west by those of the Atlantic Ocean, it is also crisscrossed by the Rif and Atlas mountains and is subject to all kinds of climatic influences.

  • Winter, from December to February, is mild: The average maximum temperature in January is 17c. There are many sunny periods, alternating with periods of bad weather.
  • Spring, from March to mid- June, is mild or pleasantly warm, and often sunny.
  • Summer, from mid -June to September, is pleasantly warm. the weather is nice and it hardly ever rains.
  • Autumn, in October and November, is pleasantly warm and sunny at first, then it gradually becomes cooler.

Rabat : Au cœur de la ville fascinante

Rabat, une capitale moderne à l’histoire profondément enracinée. De nombreux chefs-d’œuvre décorent ses rues et ses places. Visitez la Kasbah des Oudayas qui est une architecture majestueuse et splendide embellie par les jardins environnants. Non loin des remparts, se dressent les imposants murs du Chellah, une nécropole datant de l’époque des Mérinides. Franchir les murailles, c’est entrer dans un autre monde, se promener parmi les vestiges antiques, les jardins et les cigognes. Rabat est aussi une capitale moderne et éco-responsable avec ses espaces verts. De beaux parcs vous attendent, comme le jardin d’essai botanique ou les Jardins exotiques de Bouknadel qui se trouvent à quelques kilomètres de la ville.La ville possède également un littoral exceptionnel ; sur les rives de l’océan Atlantique, elle dispose de kilomètres de plages bien aménagées qui mènent à la ville voisine de Casablanca. Avec ses infrastructures modernes et ses différents festivals, Rabat est une ville vivante. Aéroport, tramway, centres commerciaux, cafés et restaurants, toutes les commodités sont à votre portée. Savourez les vibrations de la musique que Rabat célèbre comme aucune autre ville ; Mawazine, Jazz au Chellah et bien d’autres qui remplissent l’atmosphère de sons et de rythmes du monde entier. Rabat est une ville où les trésors du passé se mêlent aux réalisations les plus modernes et les plus respectueuses de l’environnement.

Golf and water sports in the Moroccan capital city A wide range of sports in the green city

Rabat the lavish city is also Rabat the sport city. There are plenty of opportunities to enjoy in the capital of Morocco, that range from land, to water, to air activities.

In its shores, the beaches multiply the opportunities. Are you an amateur of gliding sport ? Jet-skis, surfboards and windsurfing boards are awaiting you. On the beach of Les Oudayas, you can experience water kayaking and discover a thrilling side of the city.

Off the shores, the activities are even more diverse. Hit the little white ball on the Dar Essalam Royal Golf Course; the course is mythical and alternates fairways, greens and bunkers in the middle of an enchanting setting. Rabat is also a great place for horse-riding enthusiasts ; numerous equestrian clubs welcome riders and offer rides, obstacle courses and polo matches. Hiking enthusiasts will find their happiness in Akrach, which is not far from Rabat. The more adventurous will go to the aero club of Sale. On the spot, quality infrastructure for all levels will suit your ability, while you experience paragliding, hang gliding or flying light aircraft.

Land, air or water sports, your stay in Rabat won’t lack of any thrill of fun !

Your next destination to work and live!

Dar Essalam is a one-of-a-kind school, taking an innovative learning pedagogy from the halls of Finnish educational excellence, mixing it with Moroccan cultural experiences and outdoor opportunities, all linked together using the framework of an American-International curriculum.

We are student-centered in our focus, project-based in our approach, and social-emotionally driven in our commitment to the whole child. In this digital age, our students are and will continue to be innovators and creators of new methods of outreach, communication, and collaboration.

As their teachers, we hope you are also forward-thinking and inspired to teach and learn new ways of engaging students and families. The bottom line is that you are part of what makes us unique and with that diversity of staff, we will have a true “family of teachers and learners” in our new school.

Please send us the contact form below.

Working at Dar Essalam American School

Rabat, the capital of Morocco, is located on the Atlantic coast. It is home to a large part of the country's expatriate community, offering a pleasant living environment combining modernity and historical heritage.

Rabat is an ideal destination for expatriates who enjoy a dynamic cultural life, with international festivals and the presence of foreign cultural centers.

Below is a helpful, interactive map to give you a better idea of the layout of this capital city.

Current Openings!

We are currently looking for English speaking professionals for the following positions:

Test Preparation Specialist

Physics/Math Teacher

Elementary PE Teacher

Elementary School Teacher

Design Technology Teacher

IB Biology

Pre K Teacher

Middle School Science Teacher

English Speaking Teacher Assistant

Social Studies Teacher

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